1.Responsible for all HSE case in hot forming area. Refer in particular to hot forming area in the description as if no special version.
2.A special version of a processor that has some of the internal signals brought out to external pins.
3.A special version of a normal request Ping which some idiot thought up to mess up unsuspecting hosts.
4.This VIO server runs a special version of the AIX operating system, with an additional software package called IOS.
5.A wrapper script can be used to have one application search in a directory using the special version of the library it requires.
6.The server special version, mainly introduces the server the security as well as some related measures.
7.To kick off the sales launch, Lotus will be releasing a special version built in a limited run of just 450 cars.
8.A special version of the Walkman Sports was made for those loving tropical atmosphere like being in Okinawa and Hawaii.
9.These approaches are not specific to a special version of WebSphere Portal, but it is assumed that you use either version 4. x or 5. x.
10.The software, a special version of Microsoft's new Windows XP operating system, can interpret those pen strokes.